The Abnormal Heart

Solo Show · parker mills · Ages 18+ · 85 mins · United States of America

Content Warning one person show

Stories, slides, a stool…it’s a solo show! From pretending to be a born-again Christian, to a short career in phone sex, to narrowly escaping death dressed as a gorilla, The Abnormal Heart is a comedic journey chronicling the adventures of a #brave, unsuccessful, middle-aged homosexual and his lifelong search for…something. 

The Abnormal Heart
is written and performed by Parker Mills to commemorate his “Not-dead-iversary” and to celebrate the resilience of the human spirit and the idea that a heart never truly breaks, it just gets banged up a little.

This show deals frankly (and hopefully funnily) with sensitive topics.  Some situations and language may be uncomfortable for some viewers…but hey, at least there’s no nudity. Mature audiences only.

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran