Bonnie Sludikoff

Chemo Barbie: My Lady Bits' Journey Through Breast Cancer.

bonnie sludikoff · June 19, 2017 certified reviewer
Heathers show is alive in a beautiful way- some of which is because she's recently finished treatment and partially because of her brilliant use of multimedia- some of the best I've ever seen. No smoke and mirrors or costumed characters or fancy editing -- Heather documented her journey on video - chemo, coldcapping, doctors, etc.... this brings her story to life and gets you right in the gut. She gracefully tells a vulnerably story with a lot of highs and lows- it's horrifyingly universal becaus... full review

MexiStani! Growing Up Mexican & Pakistani in America

bonnie sludikoff · June 19, 2017 certified reviewer
You'll walk out of this show a little more educated about race, culture, and diversity and those are all things we all need to work on. I loved the choose your own adventure part - I want to hear the other 2 stories! Sofie brilliantly handles delicate topics in a way that makes you want to go out and be nicer and more inclusive. I had heard her knife story at a previous showcase before her show and I am still thinking about that one. ... full review

Buffy Kills Edward: A Musical Romp

bonnie sludikoff · June 19, 2017 certified reviewer
Even as someone who isn't into vampires, I am still a fan of crossovers... So, this is at least among the most "bar scene" shows in fringe - it's loud and raucous and fun and as mentioned in the shows curtain speech, is even funnier if you're drinking, but still has its fun moments if you're sober. That said, go with a group if possible. Dark willow was a hilarious character and the characters who play multiple roles do an excellent job as do the leads - as a non follower of Buffy/twilight I'm n... full review

John Stamos is My Baby Daddy / Rainbow Brite Power Naps

bonnie sludikoff · June 17, 2017 certified reviewer
An absolute blast- I hope they do more of these shows - I went by myself but it'd be a fun night out with friends. They fed us snacks and engaged with us as if we were a focus group - it was a clever and effective way to get the audience involved in the show. The epiphany space is lovely and served as a great venue - free parking was a nice bonus. It was also nice seeing these powerful female characters in a female driven cast - loved seeing the douchey boss get put in his place in Rainbow Brit... full review

1001 Minutes of New Musicals

bonnie sludikoff · June 16, 2017 uncertified reviewer
The Wedding Night was absolutely stellar- well written, beautiful direction- the leading actress was amazing! Curses was very funny and clever - I enjoyed the musical style and the cast sang well, but with this heavily Yiddish influenced music and theme it felt weird to have a diverse cast- I commend NMI for their lovely diverse casting but no one wants to see fiddler on the roof or dream girls with a mixed race cast- didn't understand that choice at all here and it took away from what could ... full review


bonnie sludikoff · June 16, 2017 uncertified reviewer
The 80s vibe of the music is one of my favorite things about this group- their group harmony sound is lovely and their shows are always a fun and somewhat nerdy good time. ... full review

Divorce: The Hip-Hop Musical

bonnie sludikoff · June 16, 2017 uncertified reviewer
This is the show you might not know that you need to see because you look at the title and go... "Divorce, a hip hop musical?" Don't miss this! The show is about a pair of 9 year olds who get "divorced" and that premise alone is hilarious and endearing and enables the production team to go into some actually very poignant territory without having to turn this hilarious musical into a drama- I love a good drama but this is 100 percent comedy from start to finish.. I saw "campy" in the tag last and... full review

"We Are Traffic: An UBER Adventure 2022"

bonnie sludikoff · June 16, 2017 certified reviewer
I could have sat for at least another hour listening to this charming storyteller. I laughed a lot, cried a little- and have you seen his eyes? Jonathan expertly takes his riders on a memorable journey, slowly letting us into his heart in this refreshingly vulnerable and human one man play. The writing is lovely, smart but not high brow- the delivery is casual and intimate and you'll hang on his every word. Best traffic jam ever.... full review

PSYCHOSICAL: an asylum cabaret

bonnie sludikoff · June 15, 2017 certified reviewer
I'm so glad I made it out to this- I really didn't know what to expect- I thought I would enjoy it, but my expectations were totally exceeded. I'm not a huge fan of shows at 3 clubs because even though it's a lovely place it's loud and crowded, but this show makes excellent use of the space. A giant powerhouse cast of great soloists kill it with their songs - a few stand out as faves, but the entire cast really brought it. I love the mix of pop and musical theatre. The strongest thing for me is t... full review

Just Like Life

bonnie sludikoff · June 15, 2017 uncertified reviewer
This is a brilliant piece of theatre- the script is completely bonkers and fascinating - a true think piece - I recommended it to everyone I came across after the show so hopefully they will see it so we can discuss! The actors all glow in their respective roles in a very challenging play- this absurd show would be dangerous in the hands of inexperienced folks, but This well directed and stunningly acted production nailed it- Do not miss this show! I laughed my head off and I want to see it again... full review