

ensemble theatre · the others · United States
Who do we become in darkness, unobserved? Inspired by texts from the Harlem Renaissance, the Left Bank, and the Mexican Revolution, this dark comedy follows groups of outsiders as they betray each other, make out, strip, kill, and discover just how badly they're capable of behaving.
Who do we become in darkness, unobserved? Inspired by texts from the Harlem Renaissance, the Left Bank, and the Mexican Revolution, this dark comedy follows groups of outsiders as they betray each other, make out, strip, kill, and discover just how badly they're capable of behaving.


solo performance · written & performed by vinson german · Ages 16+ · United States
Growing up White, A Solo Play Written & Performed by VINSON GERMAN www.growingupwhitetheplay.com "Growing up White" is the comedic journey of a young black man's childhood under the influence of television and his path from cultural denial to self love!
Growing up White, A Solo Play Written & Performed by VINSON GERMAN www.growingupwhitetheplay.com "Growing up White" is the comedic journey of a young black man's childhood under the influence of television and his path from cultural denial to self love!


cabaret & variety · big guns big tobacco · Ages 16+ · United States
Five Chinese rings, one dancing Harriet Tubman. TOBM is the story of The Amazing Daisy and Sweet Bojanski Brown, two performers with more dreams than talent, and their struggle to get booked at the Moulin Rouge, Las Vegas’ first integrated casino. Set in 1955. TOBM is a work in progress.
Five Chinese rings, one dancing Harriet Tubman. TOBM is the story of The Amazing Daisy and Sweet Bojanski Brown, two performers with more dreams than talent, and their struggle to get booked at the Moulin Rouge, Las Vegas’ first integrated casino. Set in 1955. TOBM is a work in progress.


solo performance · alexis lambright · Ages 18+ · United States
Alexis is on a mission to find a cure for individuals suffering from Chronic Virginity... starting with herself! Through stories, songs, and videos, this tell-a-thon/live telethon will present awkward moments from her life, in hopes of achieving her goal. Operators are standing by!
Alexis is on a mission to find a cure for individuals suffering from Chronic Virginity... starting with herself! Through stories, songs, and videos, this tell-a-thon/live telethon will present awkward moments from her life, in hopes of achieving her goal. Operators are standing by!