Omnia Motus

Comedy · redwit theatre · Ages 15+ · 90 mins · United States of America

Content Warning world premiere
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Review by RON REED

June 23, 2024 certified reviewer

What I liked

My favourite part of the show was the third song where the male character was singing/dancing and the female character was having none of it. The contrast in each character’s reaction to this song was a crucial part of their journey together.

What I didn't like

Nothing. It was pretty perfect as is!

My overall impression

The two actors were clearly professionally trained and have incredible chemistry! The mix of comedy and tenderness meant you couldn’t help but root for both of them in this roller coaster ride of a play. The ambiguous event leading to the dilemma facing these two could be interpreted differently by each attendee which I loved! It allowed for a more personal experience and really got you thinking. The writing was incredibly clever including the choice of songs. This writer clearly has a lot to offer the L.A. community and the two actors will no doubt be in demand if they keep up this type of work.

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