All the Boys I Blocked

Solo Show · chanel & the circus · Ages 18+ · 45 mins · United States of America

Content Warning one person show

Brace yourselves for “All the Boys I Blocked” – a hilarious solo clown musical where Chanel takes you on a rollercoaster of blocked exes and modern romance. Laugh, cry, and become part of the show as you navigate through the accordion-fueled madness between jadedness, healing and the fantasies of love.


Chanel Samson cut their teeth in the entertainment industry in Liverpool England at Paul McCartney’s music school, got kicked out of the country, and landed back home in LA. Chanel formed a community of genderfluid-pansexual queers with their variety show The Secret Circus, and toured in bands such as Chanel & the Circus and Praise Kink. Now they are taking their piano, accordion, and ukulele to the stage in this raw unfiltered one person show that will make you laugh, cry and quit your day job (if you’re unhappy with it of course, if not, then good for you! pay for this show).



Production Team

* Fringe Veteran