Pure Cinema

Drama · high value treat productions · Ages 16+ · United States of America

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June 08, 2024 certified reviewer

What I liked

This was my first time at this small venue and I loved sitting in the front row.

What I didn't like

I did not notice any flubs in this preview performance. (Wait…was the cork supposed to do that?)

My overall impression

“Pure Cinema” was pure pleasure. I’m glad I didn’t know much about the story—I had no clue what might happen.

Bill Chott’s portrayal was pitch-perfect. (I know—I watched “Alfred Hitchcock Presents” as a kid.) Aaron Caponigro’s energetic Mel Brooks was a great counterpoint to Hitch’s reserve. And didn’t Hitchcock love willowy blondes? Lindsay Seim delivered the look and much more. The simple set design had everything the characters needed. (Don’t miss that wonderful phone!)

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