Pure Cinema

Drama · high value treat productions · Ages 16+ · United States of America

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June 25, 2024 certified reviewer

What I liked

I liked that that the show told a story from an inside “fly on the wall” perspective. The use of props to help give a glamour over what was being relayed and why helped tie in the audience to its specific purview. I look forward to seeing more productions like it in the near future.

What I didn't like

I would have loved to have had a physical program so that I could go back and forth to it and refer to the character’s background. A small one-sheeter with this info would have been perfect!

My overall impression

I’ve been to a variety of black box theatre productions and am familiar on what aspects to expect. So, I’ll give my impression based off similar experiences. First off, I love that the creative use of set. Most productions like these expect the performers to give an air of imagination to a more grandiose production and this one did not disappoint. The actors filled up the room and stayed in character throughout regardless of whether they were speaking or not. I think the play was adequate for its space, and the story was very cohesive and tailored to an audience that would be familiar with both major characters!

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