The Best Man Show

Comedy · mark vigeant · Ages 13+ · 1hr · United States of America

one person show
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June 24, 2024 certified reviewer

What I liked

I was roped into being one of the members of the bridal party and that was incredibly fun and not as harrowing as I was imagining when he first pointed at me and pulled me into the narrative of the world. I loved how capable he was at making anything we were saying make sense. I loved the absurdity and darkness that this piece got to while also maintaining this incredibly sincere through-line of a deeper conversation about love.

What I didn't like

Um idk i just want to see it again.

My overall impression

THIS SHOW SHOULD WIN TOP OF FRINGE! Literally laughed harder than I’ve laughed at any other show in recent memory. I was transfixed the entire time. Mark’s really got something incredibly unique and special with this show and it’s just guaranteed to blow you away. The command he has of the stage and of the pacing and of the audience inclusion in the story is truly masterful. I was on his side even though he was kind of a bad man. The pacing and format of the show really really worked well and kept me engaged and not knowing what next was going to come out of this fool’s mouth.

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