musicals and operas · requiem media entertainment & doma theatre company · Ages 12+ · United States

family friendly world premiere

DORIAN’S DESCENT is a contemporary musical interpretation of the classic novel THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY by Oscar Wilde. The story follows the enigmatic life of Dorian Gray, the inspiration behind painter Basil Hallward’s masterpiece, Dorian’s portrait. As Basil and the infamous Henry Wotton discuss its future, Dorian’s inhibitions waver as he’s confronted by unearthly forces. With the influence of Henry Wotton, Dorian sells his soul in order to remain forever young while the picture ages over time. Dorian is sent spiraling down a path of heartrending love affairs, seduction, decadence and even murder.

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Production Team

michael mullen *

costume designer

edgar edgerly *

house manager

john iacovelli *

scenic designer

julie ferrin *

sound designer

karen sanchez *

makeup designer

liza miranda  *

asst. stage manager

chris raymond *

composer/producer/musical director

jen bendik *

costume assistant

gabrieal griego *

production manager

amy francis schott *

assoc. producer

alex favela *

production assistant

tania possick *


jeremy saje *

basil hallward

toni smith *

the demon

michelle holmes *

margaret vane

tony graham *

james vane

lindsay zana *

ensemble / sibyl understudy

tiffany williams *

zodiac girl / ensemble

jillian easton *

zodiac girl / ensemble

marco gomez *


jean-yves tessier *

lighting designer

aaron lyons *

technical director

jose gonzalez *

social media specialist

kelly brighton *

henry wotton

lauren hill *

madeline hallward

susan huckle *

zodiac girl / ensemble

anthony dooley *

ensemble / dorian understudy

* Fringe Veteran