Oblivious: A Videogame Theatre Experience

cabaret & variety · active captivation games · Ages 10+ · United States of America

family friendly world premiere
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ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 14, 2016
Worth a watch!... full review
JORDAN POPE certified reviewer June 14, 2016
This is a great example of art and improvisation, as each show must be its own thing with the various people you end up with on stage who all behave differently. It definitely pulls off the 'show' aspect by acting as a hybrid of various forms of entertainment. It falls short on complete immersion in a few awkward spots, but when you look at the experience as a whole and understand the various levels of production that went into it, you can't help but feel impressed at what the creators pulled off. I look forward to seeing what else these artists create in the future. They are all still early in their careers, which is so promising to realize when you watch this show. It's clear they will only continue to progress from this point on,... full review
ANNA MAVROMATI certified reviewer June 16, 2016
tagged as: innovative · fun · games
This is such a cool concept! It's original and interactive. I'd love to see more experimenting like this in the theater world--it brings in different audiences and expands on what theater can be. We had a blast at the show.... full review
ERIC CHANEY certified reviewer June 17, 2016
As the show is interactive, listen carefully at the entrance before taking your seat. If you are lucky, you’ll be selected to participate and have the most fun with the production. Action, puzzles and more in the dark, which is the best setting. You also get to wear masks and pretend like you’re not up to no good. ... full review
ROBERT HEMEDES certified reviewer June 25, 2016
My friends and I really enjoyed it. I think the interactive play would also be perfect not just for fun loving adults but teenagers as well.... full review
KARL HALEY certified reviewer June 24, 2016
tagged as: inventive · immersive · hilarious
Inventive, brilliant...a blast for thirty minutes.... full review
FERNANDO BELO certified reviewer June 25, 2016
I had no idea what to expect coming to this and I was surprised in the best possible way. The whole company put up a short but very well crafted piece. This work definitely deserves a life after the Fringe. ... full review
RACHEL FLANAGAN discover hollywood magazine certified reviewer June 12, 2016
Oblivious takes the concept of video games and mixes it with interactive theater to create a fun experience with audience participation. The concept behind Oblivious is set in a fictional United Nation-States of Surveillance where citizens are under constant surveillance. As three participants, chosen from the audience to become new citizens of the fictional nation, take their places on stage, a voice emerges begging the participants to become revolutionaries and fight the robotic dictator. The participants must solve the puzzles and fight their way to victory. If any of the participants lose their part of the game, they are deactivated and new members of the audience take their place and continue the fight for freedom. When you arrive, yo... full review
MICHAEL FONTAINE my haunt life certified reviewer June 23, 2016
This wasn’t initially one of our picks top picks, although it was on my radar. It was one of those “well this seems cool, I’ll try and see if I can fit it in”. I am SO glad I did! I saw the poster in the window of a venue where I was seeing another piece. I looked up some reviews and the ones I read seemed…negative, but what they said that was negative was what made me really excited to see this. After seeing this show, I can understand why there are negative reviews. I picture those patrons being older, hating video games (and fun), and being more of a traditional theatre person, which is fine, but this show is not for them. If you like video games, crowd participation, or escape room elements, then SEE THIS SHOW. You start off by mee... full review
STEPY KAMEI certified reviewer June 04, 2016
tagged as: cutting edge · experimental · Bold · creative · fun
Very cool and interesting show. It will probably mostly appeal to people who are familiar with the world of gaming, but I would encourage anyone to check it out! ... full review