
comedy · go go guppie productions · Ages 13+ · United States of America

world premiere
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ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 06, 2016
This play presents a fantastic set of characters that gather to try to overcome grief and frustration in a funny, charismatic way. I highly recommend this play!... full review
CURT DITTMAN certified reviewer June 05, 2016
Just saw the preview and enjoyed it immensely. Heartbreaking story that allows for a somewhat happy ending. Witty and well paced writing with some powerful cast members that made us laugh out loud and almost cry. ... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 06, 2016
Brilliantly written by Brett Epstein! Hilarious moments that also pulled on my heart strings and tears were shed. Thank you for making my day and I highly recommend seeing this show!... full review
AARON WILSON certified reviewer June 06, 2016
Brilliantly written by Brett Epstein! Hilarious moments that also pulled on my heart strings and tears were shed. Thank you for making my day and I highly recommend seeing this show!... full review
CHARLES ZIARKO certified reviewer June 11, 2016
Is this hour based on a true story? There's no clue, except that it resists being boxed into tidy dialogue scenes, and wilts at the end with the announcement of an off-stage "agreement". Excellent cast keeps it watchable (especially Clayton Farris,a not UNsympathetic villain; Sherry Berg, who commands the stage; and Claire Chapelli). It does the script a disservice to ask Ms Chapelli to play THREE parts (the martyr, a secretary AND the idealistic filmmaker who bookends the flashback story). The show NEEDS an additional female to split the key roles with her. ... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 11, 2016
Thought-provoking, well-acted, interesting show. It zips by - you don't feel as if you've been there for an hour. The interactions between the sister, Bridget, played by Sherry Berg, who was wonderful, and Ralph, played by Jamie Engber, were delightful to watch. Sherry Berg, in particular, brought a lot of depth and reality to the role. All the actors were effective. I've never seen the film Blackfish and you don't need to have any familiarity with that movie to enjoy this play. ... full review
TOM CAVANAUGH certified reviewer June 12, 2016
tagged as: well done · funny · deep · Good acting
ANOTHER SHOW THAT'S A MUST SEE! I don't know if it's in the air.... but, I think there's more talent in HFF16 than past HFF's and this show is in my top 10 for this year! Funny, touching, and again... I love what they did with the Dawn Brancheau Story! Made us take the ride, but from a completely different view point!!!!... full review
GABRIELA ORTEGA certified reviewer June 14, 2016
Blackfish with a Rom Com twist, Go see it! ... full review
BENJAMIN SCHWARTZ certified reviewer June 15, 2016
Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance. Brett Epstein’s tragicomedy, #WHALEFAIL, deconstructs the Kübler-Ross model of the five stages of grief while tackling the theme of ordinary man vs. corporate America. It also challenges the notion that we, as humans need to have extravagant goals in life. That we must try to change the world. Well, some people just want to fly under the radar. This is a story ab.... see the full review at: https://giaonthemove.com/2016/06/15/gia-hff16-reviews-whalefail/... full review
HERMAN JOHANSEN certified reviewer June 18, 2016
tagged as: comedy · drama · relevant
Well written, well acted, interesting plot. Plenty of humor with a serious foundation. ... full review