Measure 4 Measure 4 play

immersive theatre · stories & makebelieve · Ages 15+ · United States of America

world premiere
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SAVANNAH DOOLEY certified reviewer June 11, 2017
A loose, fun, experimental romp through a lesser-known work of Shakespeare that deals with slut-shaming, the perversion of justice, and womens' (limited) reproductive choices in timely way. This adaptation is framed as a strange sort of card game, with "rounds," and audience members occasionally called upon to offer cards from the hand they've been dealt. The moments of audience participation are fun and unexpected (funexpected?) and include a hilarious fake pamphlet. The space provides a relaxed vibe and a kind of intimacy as the small number (max 10) of audience members are shuffled and reshuffled (LIKE CARDS) around the grassy picnic area. The actors switch roles frequently (characters are identifiable by simple costume pieces) and each i... full review
SPENCER FRANKEBERGER certified reviewer June 12, 2017
Fascinating, exhilarating, and an intriguing metaphor for current events, this show is immersive fun, is a blast, and is also very thought-provoking. Intimate and powerful, I found myself enjoying Shakespeare more than I ever thought I would.... full review
ALEX ALPHARAOH certified reviewer June 14, 2017
tagged as: courageous · funny · experiemental · Fun!
I loved this show. Anne Brashier and company take risks in this adaptation of the Bard and turn it into a socially conscious and important piece of theatre that entertains and creates opportunities for dialogue after the show. Using an all female cast that play all of the roles, it creates a beautiful juxtaposition that transcends time when you consider that Shakespeare wrote plays in a time when women were not allowed to perform and all the female roles were done by men. The actors were courageous and never broke character in spite of being surrounded by kids playing, transients walking, a homeless guy talking to his beer can, they simply used it and allowed the stimulus to further their convictions as the characters. This was a great piece... full review
ELLEN WARKENTINE certified reviewer June 16, 2017
tagged as: fun · Feminist · immersive · Game · shakespeare · park
Love this experiment in the park, and engaging with Shakespeare's text as a game... excited to see the next iteration! ... full review
AARON VANEK certified reviewer June 19, 2017
Very well done gamified approach to sex laws/pregmancy through the lens of Measure for Measure. A great mix of Shakespeare and real chat and interactivity. Very glad I saw it, and you will, too!... full review