Ascend: When Myths Fall, Heroes Rise

hidden realms · Ages 10+ · United States of America

family friendly
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June 28, 2019 certified reviewer

What I liked

I like the concept of the general design – notion that there are multiple strings of dialogue per each character so that in theory each audience member goes through some extent their own narrative. I also like the extent of production design as it is right now – of course it would be great if there was more to that, but I could easily imagine that as a future stage in the show as it gains more traction.

What I didn't like

Basically one of the primary ‘obstacles’ if you want to call it that, is the number of people the show has to contend with. Obviously if the show was afforded the luxury of a larger space in future productions this might not be an issue. As well, and similarly, I noticed participants sometimes having to wait because key items would ‘run out’ momentarily, but I don’t know whether simply having a larger inventory in the hands of each god would fix that issue to cause another?

My overall impression

The immersion was quite good – I like the overall concept of the show and can easily see how it would be carried even further. I enjoy that the deities are meant to have a level match with the audience members, with my main drawback being that the show deals with a ‘numbers’ issue, but which I think can be solved through progressive ironing out.

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