How You Kiss Me Is Not How I Like to be Kissed

Ensemble Theatre · p5 · Ages 13+ · United States of America

Kiss her, poorly. Decide to take him home anyway. Define the relationship. Set sensible boundaries. Confess secrets. Meet her dad, blow it. Fall in love casually, strangely, effortlessly. Negotiate monogamy. Take him to IKEA, regret it, survive it. Fight about work. Fight about family. Fight about marriage. Make a life together. Fall out of love as easily as you fell in. Now what? How You Kiss Me Is Not How I Like To Be Kissed explores the pursuit of romantic love in the lives of two people who want desperately to believe in it.

P5 presents a new exhibition of Dan Giles’ endearing romantic drama. This production explores how different versions of the self can exist within a relationship, and how the struggle of love is a unifying human experience.

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran