Teaching a Robot to Love (the Musical)

Musicals & Operas · doubleclicks productions · Ages 8+ · United States of America

family friendly world premiere
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LEE HULME certified reviewer June 12, 2022
tagged as: musical · scifi · robot · lesbians · LGBTQIA · trans
I loved this show. I already had the soundtrack, and I backed the crowdfund, and today I sat in the UK and watched the stream. And I loved every second. Filling in the parts between the songs was great, I really liked getting the whole story at last! The cast brought their whole hearts along, it was easy to see how invested they all are in this, which I love to see. It's a show by a trans person, written with a trans (and anti-capitalism) theme, and so of course Marsh made me cry with their solo (and then again towards the end they all did)!... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 12, 2022
tagged as: musical · robots · Sci-Fi · queer
Once the song "Why Aren't You Happy" hit I was crying because the topic felt so relatable, like it's putting into the words that I think most every queer person has felt! Genuinely a great musical!... full review
JOHN SAWYER certified reviewer June 11, 2022
Wonderful, hugely ambitious production on a tiny stage.... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 11, 2022
tagged as: hedgehog · touching · energetic · whimsical
A delightful show about what it means to be human and what it means to be happy.... full review
LAUREN MITCHELL certified reviewer June 11, 2022
I loved this show. It's had a long journey from Laser's mind to the stage, and I'm so delighted that I've been able to see so many steps of that journey. Thank you, my friends, for offering the virtual tickets alongside the Hollywood tickets.... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 07, 2022
I came to this show to laugh, to cry. Because we need that, all of us. That indescribable feeling we get when the lights begin to dim and we’re taken somewhere, not just entertained but somehow reborn. ... full review
BRIAN HESTER certified reviewer June 07, 2022
I came expecting to be entertained, moved and improved, and was not disappointed. ... full review
CRAIG STEFFEN certified reviewer June 06, 2022
tagged as: Wonderful · fun · trans · gay · relatable · funny · profound
A wonderful musical! Funny and profound, catchy and moving. The songs are wonderful to listen to; they're still going through my head a day later. The cast are excellent and production is both minimalist and wonderful. This show is a must-see. ... full review
MARK ORR certified reviewer June 06, 2022
The music and story were so good! I loved the cast and the character development and growth... full review
YUSUF YILDIZ certified reviewer June 06, 2022
tagged as: utopian · uplifting · Positive · musical · queer · funny · Lyrical
This was a fun musical with colorful characters, great songs and dance numbers. They captured my interest and didn't lose it till the end. Good work by a talented ensemble. ... full review