Teaching a Robot to Love (the Musical)

Musicals & Operas · doubleclicks productions · Ages 8+ · United States of America

family friendly world premiere
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June 12, 2022 certified reviewer

What I liked

The cheese references throughout were brilliant, culminating in the final song that moved me to tears – not a common reaction for me! The Norton villain was particularly outstanding, as was the “platonic friends” song between Billie and MARSH. Great chemistry among the cast, and just a heartfelt telling of a fantastical yet very real and grounded story.

What I didn't like

I have very few critiques; a couple moments where some vocalists overpowered others, and the plot felt rushed at some points and dragged out at others. Things like a fancier set, a few costume changes, and more musicians could have all enhanced the show, but overall they assembled a team of awesome folks who brought the story to life.

My overall impression

The show was outstanding! It was a joy to see Laser’s vision made manifest on the stage. Nearly every aspect of the production was top-notch, and I am so thrilled I was able to see it in person. You nailed it! (I also really appreciated the mask mandate for audience members during the performance.)

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