Teaching a Robot to Love (the Musical)

Musicals & Operas · doubleclicks productions · Ages 8+ · United States of America

family friendly world premiere
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June 13, 2022 certified reviewer

What I liked

The acting, the costumes, the singing, the writing. It was funny and affirming and emotional.

And as somebody who loved the concept album, it was fun seeing how they successfully adapted the arrangements to work with just the actors and a keyboard.

What I didn't like

I’d love to see a production with an unlimited budget and a full orchestra and fancy animatronic hedgehogs, but that’s not really what Fringe is about. This version leaves no room for weak writing to hide and makes it all the more obvious that the bones of this show are solid. Well done.

(If I need something to nitpick, I imagine it’s hard for the sound engineer to balance the competing demands of the sound in the room and the sound on the livestream. I saw the latter, and the volume levels fluctuated now and then. But I’m glad there was a livestream at all, and it was definitely a good experience.)

My overall impression

This show is powerful and a ton of fun!

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