Teaching a Robot to Love (the Musical)

Musicals & Operas · doubleclicks productions · Ages 8+ · United States of America

family friendly world premiere
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June 13, 2022 certified reviewer
tagged as: joyous · sparkly · Bright · energetic · moving

What I liked

The casting of this show is spot on in the quality of voices and the portrayal of each character. And did I mention how damn catchy these songs are? If you’re into nerd-core lyrics like Jonathan Coulton or Molly Lewis, you will get how much fun these songs are. Heck, even if you don’t know those examples, these songs are bright and moving. But I think my favorite aspect is the titular robot themselves. Marsh is played with just the right amount of naive, hopeful enthusiasm that keeps the audience engaged. We should all hope whatever AI we humans develop in the near future is as optimistic and open to friendship as Marsh.

What I didn't like

Technically, this musical is extremely well executed. The live keyboardist is masterful. The only thing I think I would improve is that the villian’s comeuppance seemed to move a bit quick and tidy. I would have really liked to see him suffer in the denouement.

My overall impression

These songs will never leave my head! A fantastically delightful, fun, and heartfelt modern musical for nerds who like nerd things and non-nerds who like love and friendship. The humor is extremely well crafted and a wry. The story is gripping, and the characters are all fully realized. The cast is absolutely stellar in both dialogue and singing voice. The tight and well-rehearsed choreography brings an amazing energy to the stage. I would see this again!

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