Nightmare in Bakersfield

comedy · the adventures of les kurkendaal · Ages 13+ · United States

family friendly one person show
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MICHAEL FALCON certified reviewer June 25, 2012
Pam Noles' review captures the strengths of this show and performer admirably. I caught the last performance, and the standing ovation was well-earned: LK's insights--into our culture and into his own inner workings--are unflinching and yet delivered with a rare combination of humor, humility, and compassion. He enters, as the lone black man, a horrifying environment--the twentieth high school class reunion of Bakersfield's Garces High school--where he is repeatedly mistaken for the school's lone African American of that year, the star basketball player (despite that LK is 5'4" tall). In reality, he is the spouse of a white class grad, a film producer who is A-listed as one of Bakersfield's top 100 by Bakersfield Magazine. He leaves us, ... full review