Alicia Savio

Original Argentine Tango choreographer for “THE TANGO SINGER” @Theatre West, Hollywood (2012) & “GARDEL’S TANGO” @The Zephyr Theatre, West Hollywood (2016). Also, “Variedades Vergel” @Televisa/Univision (Mexico City & USA). Played the role of Kitty Katz in BOB FOSSE’S “CHICAGO- THE MUSICAL” @Teatro El Nacional (Buenos Aires), and worked at Teatro El Maipo (Bs. As.), Teatro Astros (Bs. As.), Teatro Municipal General San Martin (Bs. As.), Teatro Nacional Cervantes (Bs. As.) and in several TV shows in Argentina, including “El Show de Velasco Ferrero”, “Pinky a la Noche”, & “La Noche de Verdaguer”.