Me Be Me

Solo Show · spice productions by wahinas r us · Ages 13+ · 1hr · United States of America

one person show world premiere

A new solo show from Serena Anis, who you may recognize from her performance in Hollywood Fringe’s 2023 Winner of Best Comedy, BUGS!

To cure the sordid state of media and solve our collective existential crisis, Serena Anis, an unhinged, biracial millennial, reverse colonizes a 342-foot Hollywood stage. She takes you on a fun, wild ride, addressing a lifetime of misperceptions through comedy, pop culture, and a fresh perspective straight out the Anis! 

Don’t you hate it when people boil you down to a stereotype? Imagine if that happened regularly, and on different levels, not to mention being asked, “What are you?” all the time. How can I make peace with conflicting identities, ethnic ambiguity, and mental disorders, when I don’t quite see myself reflected in media? 

My dad is an immigrant from Bangladesh, my mom is deaf, and I get mistaken for Latina, but that’s my half-sister. Add in my pop culture obsession and frenetic, detail-oriented, ADHD/OCD brain, and you’ll have an experience that you’ll never see on TV (unless I write it myself). It’s like an adult version of Clarissa Explains It All, and I do explain it all, with over 100 cues (yes we counted), including hilarious images, sound bytes, and video clips! You won’t even miss your phone. 

This show provides healing by bringing light to the fact that everyone’s stories are much more complex and nuanced than the mainstream. “Me Be Me" is everything I’ve wanted to share but kept inside–it’s time to make space for the unconventional. I hope watching it helps you be you.

PS my last name is pronounced like the spice, not the orifice.


PG-13: contains some adult language and themes

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran