Chad Kukahiko

The Werewolves of Hollywood Blvd: A Damnable Rock Musical

chad kukahiko · June 24, 2014 certified reviewer
despite the technical issues, the music was excellent and the performances committed and inspired. The Werewolves of Hollywood Blvd are proof that Orgasmico never fails to entertain. i must admit that i was often distracted by a variety of glaring tech issues - including a script light from up the light booth stairs blasting me in the eyes nearly the entire show - , but i enjoyed it so much that i'll definitely see it again when i can tell the tech issues are straightened out.... full review

The Wake

chad kukahiko · June 24, 2014 certified reviewer
hilarious and hugely entertaining, The Wake makes your skin crawl in a way that you can't help but enjoy. it's a roller coaster ride that keeps you guessing and you're never correct - and again, that's okay. see it. if you can. ... full review

That's funny. You didn't sound black on the phone.

chad kukahiko · June 29, 2013 certified reviewer
Jacquetta is a very funny storyteller and her story is fascinating. her show also spoke to me on a personal level about feeling disenfranchised from a social group, but despite the seriousness of the subject matter, not once did i feel like she was self-pitying. instead it was an empowering piece that was fun to watch and really got me thinking. i definitely recommend this show to anybody and everybody. fun, easy, interesting and thoughtful (notice i didn't use the Oxford comma - never do <- litt... full review

[title of show]

chad kukahiko · June 17, 2013 uncertified reviewer
this is what you need to do: stop reading any more reviews about [title of show] right now and go buy your ticket - particularly if you know nothing about it and don't know any of the performers. i knew nothing about this piece when i walked into the Asylum on Saturday afternoon - definitely didn't realize it was a musical - nor did i know any of the performers, so i made some assumptions while watching it that made my experience emotional and uplifting in a way i did not anticipate. so stay a... full review

EXORCISTIC: the Rock Musical Parody Experiment

chad kukahiko · June 17, 2013 certified reviewer
some extremely talented performers (both in the band and the cast), a bunch of great, catchy songs and a TON of fun. go see Exorcistic if you like fun and irreverence. i had a great time. ... full review

25 Plays Per Hour

chad kukahiko · June 20, 2012 uncertified reviewer
ridiculously fun and also touching in moments. the pieces were well-written, very well acted - and yes, that occasionally meant a bit sketchy and SNL-like, but for some pieces that was entirely appropriate and the cast was having such a good time, that i just couldn't stop smiling and laughing - even hours after the show ended. i had WAY more fun in this show than i thought i would. if you can fit this into your fringe watching schedule, definitely do. you will not be disappointed.... full review